Dinner Bell Christmas Meal Marks Last of 2017

This weeks Dinner Bell is the last for 2017.  The Community meal will resume January 10th, 2018, 11:45 AM at the First United Methodist Church.

9,501 meals were served at the Dinner Bell in 2017.  That’s about 1,000 more than 2016. Judy Gilreath has an incredible outlook for 2018. “We hope to serve another 1000 more in 2018”, said Gilreath.  Judy overseas each aspect of the meal preparation.  While preparing the pork loins for the meal, she recalled butchering techniques learned over her years of cooking. Although Judy loves giving, she is looking forward to a few weeks break.

Judy Gilreath thanks everyone for their support of Dinner Bell, especially the folks that come and the fellowship each week.

TC Hamilton, Sally Hamilton and Family sponsored this weeks meal and helped serve it.

The Hamiltons who started Dinner bell in 2012, returned to sponsor the meal and helped to serve it. They were joined by their extended family,  the Noacks.

Remember: Dinner Bell will return on January 10th, 2018


Author: KSST Webmaster

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