Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Sign Up Now for Upwards Basketball/Cheer at First Baptist Church ‘The Roc’

November 1, 2017 – The early registration period for Upwards Basketball and Cheerleading is still going on through November 3 at The Roc, or by mail to FBC, 116 Oak Avenue, Sulphur Springs, Tx 75482. Cost for boys and girls in K through 6th grade who sign up by November 3, 2017 is $60 each, which represents a $10 savings. After November 3, cost will be $70 per child, with a $10 discount per sibling. Scholarships are available.

Upwards Basketball is designed to ensure that every young athlete plays, and had quality game-day uniforms and necessary gear.  Coaches will be focused on athletic development, with athletes exposed to age appropriate character and skill development on and off the court. There will be one practice and one game scheduled per week. Find out more about the unique sports experience at

Youngsters who sign up must attend an evaluation /orientation meeting  at The Roc. There are two evening and one morning meeting scheduled Nov 9-11 to accommodate everyone. Uniforms/sizing will be discussed during the orientation meetings. First practice is December 4, 2017 and first game is January 27, 2018. An awards ceremony is planned for March 3, 2018.

Registration forms are available at The Roc and you may pay registration fees there. You may visit for the registration form, or contact Mike Armstrong by phone at 903-885-0646.





Author: Enola Gay

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