Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Cub Scout Fun Day This Saturday

The Tonkawa District of Circle Ten Council, BSA, will host a Cub Scout Fun Day from 2:00-4:00 pm on Saturday October, 14th, at Heritage Park in Sulphur Springs.  There is no admission fee, and all Cub Scouts and their families are invited to attend the Cub Fun Day.  This is the first Cub Scout activity for those boys who have just joined the Scouting program, but all Cub Scouts are encouraged to participate in the Cub Fun Day.  Activities scheduled include BB range, Nerf target range, turtle racing, washer pitching, baseball toss, and more.  Cubs and their families may come and go as their schedule allows; they do not have to be there the entire two hours.


Author: Chad Young

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