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Family VBS at Shannon Oaks Church is July 17-21

Josh Whitlock, Children’s Minister at Shannon Oaks Church

Children’s minister Josh Whitlock visited during the KSST Good Morning Show to announce an exciting family concept for Vacation Bible School coming to Shannon Oaks Church during July 17-21. Each evening, classes will be held between 5 and 8 pm for children ages 3 through 5th grade AND their parents! Members of the Senior Adult classes will also volunteer during the classes. Instead of dividing the family during Bible School, bringing families together for instruction is part of an effort by Shannon Oaks to unite the generations and to empower the parents to teach and develop their children’s spiritual lives. Games, crafts, team building, water games and small group times are planned. “Small group time” will involve pairing a key leader of the church with a family. During this portion, there will be at least one activity that is parent-led, providing another teaching skill for parents to use in their family time at home.

Pre-registered youngsters will receive a Splash Kingdom pass, T-shirt and dinner each evening at 5:45 pm.

Children’s Minister Josh Whitlock and Youth/Worship Minister Jonathan McGraw along with Pastor Eric Godwin invite the public to enjoy Vacation Bible School and regular services at Shannon Oaks Church, as well as these summer programs coming up: Mommy Daughter Cupcake Wars on Saturday July 29 from 10 am til noon, and Family Water Games on Saturday August 19 from 10 am til noon. All activities are free!

Register and find out more at or on Facebook.

Author: Enola Gay

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