Excitement is high for every member of the Northeast Texas Choral Society as they prepare for their 20th Spring Concert this weekend in the SSHS Auditorium at the Civic Center. Director Carol Allen says this is a joy-filled, “feel-good” concert which marks her 20th year as founder of the community chorale. Carol Ann O’Dell, a 3-year board member, is also an alto singer. You are invited to bring the family and enjoy the “touchstone” pop and rock n roll hits from the 60’s and 70’s by talented singers and soloists you know. There will also be special surprises onstage for the audience at each performance, arranged by member Dawn Doyle-Jones. All ages are welcome. Tickets to “Touchstone” are available at local banks, from any Choral Society member, at the door and online at netchoral.org. Performances are at 7 pm Saturday May 6 and at 2 pm on Sunday May 7. Plans are already in the works for an over-the-top celebration of music at the Society’s Christmas concert in December 2017.
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