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Instructional Technology for SSISD Teachers and Students Continues Expansion

Instructional Technology for teachers and students has been expanding in the SSISD and will continue to impact teacher training and student learning. John Bimmerle, who works with SSMS Secondary Instructional Technology, introduced the work of the three member team during a recent Sulphur Springs School Board meeting. The introduction video is found here.

The Instruction Technology team also includes Mackenzie Cross, Elementary, and Meredith Townsend, high school. The three work daily with teachers and provide anytime training using a Youtube channel and Cat’s Den, which contains curriculum, assessment, and technology related resources.

Students are being trained to be digital citizens at all levels. For third through fifth grade students the emphasis is on creation of original products. In fifth grace, introductions to keyboarding and Office products is included and sixth grade students are introduced to Cloud computing using Office 365 Online suite. As students advance in grade, they are shifted toward deeper tech integration.

A community OneNote notebook has been created. The OneNote notebook contains regularly updated newsletters and other timely information each month.

Author: Staff Reporter

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