Jan 12, 2017 – An inmate in Hopkins County Jail had a sharing spirit this week. Linnea Colynn Brown, 33, of Arkansas was arrested Monday January 9th for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1 over 1-gram, less than 200-grams during a traffic stop. While in jail, she removed a packed from her person, took out methamphetamine and used some. She also shared the meth with another inmate. She then concealed the packet in her person once again.

Linnea Colynn Brown
Add Tamper Fabricate Physical Evidence with Intent to Impair, another charge of possession similar to the first and Manufacture/Deliver Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1 under 1-gram.
In her arrest Monday, Brown and a male companion were stopped by Sheriff’s Deputy Sgt. Michael Russell for a traffic violation at around 2:15 a.m. Monday at the 135 mile marker of eastbound I-30. An arrest report indicated Sgt. Russell detected the smell of marijuana coming from inside the car. During a search, a passenger in the car was found to have 14 amphetamine and dextroamphetamine pills inside a coin purse in her purse. The pills were weighed at 3.13 grams. Later the deputy found a pouch under his truck. It contained a spoon, a cotton ball and a vile. The car driver admitted tossing the pouch under the truck while the deputy was talking with the girl.