During Monday’s noon meeting of the Sulphur Springs School Board, members reported that all either met or exceeded training requirements for board member training credit hours. Also during the noon meeting before Christmas break for the school district, they noted the Comprehensive Annual Report on Investment Activity and heard District auditors, Rutherford, Taylor, and Company, announce the district received the best opinion of “unmodified” for their Annual Financial and Compliance Report.
The board approved the high school campus improvement plan for 2016-17, a six-year plan to upgrade district security cameras, and the over-spraying of the Middle School track. Settlement, as presented by a mediator, for the Middle School moisture issues was also approved.
Cris Hughes Grade 3 Teacher SS Elementary
Darla Reed SpEd Teacher SS Elementary
Lindsay Goff Grade 5 Teacher Douglas
New personnel
Mary Taylor Office Clerk ECLC
Amanda Woods LVN Bowie/Travis
Chelsea Jordan SpEd Aide SS Elementary
Amy Voss SpEd Aide SS Elementary
Mystie Wilson Title I Aide SS Elementary
Personnel Change New position/campus Former position/campus
Stephanie Cowden SpEd Aide/Connections SpEd Aide/SS Elementary
Maria Martinez Grade 5 Teacher/Douglas Title I Aide/Douglas