Hopkins County Sheriff Butch Adams Will Retire

After 20 years as Hopkins County Sheriff, Butch Adams will retire on December 31, 2016. The years since 1996 have brought many positive changes to county law enforcement in Hopkins County. Today, more than five dozen persons are employed in the Sheriff’s Department, working in a new state-of-the-art law enforcement facility.

Butch actually began his law enforcement career almost 20 years earlier with the Sulphur Springs Police Department. His wife Beth has spent the same number of years as the spouse of a law enforcement officer, and that has brought special memories. She recalled that once during an election campaign, they were at the Arbala Community Center when Butch got a call and had to leave Beth there to deliver his speech. She was very nervous but the Arbala people made her feel welcome. Others have told Beth that they appreciate how Butch helped their son or daughter through tough times with encouragement or stern advice, and that helped to turn their lives around. The couple enjoys the friendship of many families they have met through local events, ice cream and stew suppers and functions in every community of Hopkins county. Butch and Beth got married in 1978. Today, they have three sons, three daughters-in-law, six grandchildren and one grandchild on the way! Following his retirement, Butch and Beth look forward to spending more time with their growing family.

Author: Enola Gay

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