Mandatory training for election workers for the November General Election’s 14 Voting Centers in Hopkins County is Tuesday, October 11th or Wednesday, October 12th. Those who desire to receive the training may attend either. Those working in the election must attend one of the sessions.
Debbie Shirley, Hopkins County Clerk stated there are several things to discuss for this election such as the Voter ID Law and conducting multiple elections at each polling location. Her office is sending out notice to the judges and alternates. Each election judge will be given permission to have five (5) workers that includes the judge and alternate judge at all town boxes. (Precincts #1-#4A) The rural boxes will be given four (4) workers that include the judges and alternates.
The training will consist of the new requirements for Voter ID, qualifying voters, provisional voting, processing all paperwork etc. On the electronic voting equipment we will go over setting up the JBC, opening polls, processing provisional ballots, cancelling booths and how to instruct the voter to vote for a write-in candidate and closing polls, instructions on the end of night reports, and other vital information.
