Annual Fall Coat and Blanket Drive Underway at CANHelp
CANHelp staff stays, “Fall is finally here. Temperatures will be dropping soon and it is time to think about staying warm both outside, as well as at home.
“Unfortunately, not everyone in Hopkins County has the means to stay warm and comfortable. There is a need in our community for warm coats and blankets. Please join CANHelp and sponsors by participating in our Annual Fall Coat and Blanket Drive to ensure everyone in Hopkins County stays warm this winter.
“We are accepting new and gently used coats of all sizes and new blankets from starting now through November 11th at CANHelp, City National Bank (Mockingbird Location), Hope’s House (located at First Baptist Church) and Shannon Oaks Church. Just look for our drop off barrels!!
“CANHelp will also be hosting a Drive Thru Drop Off on Friday, October 28, 2016. Just bring your gently used or new coats and new blankets to CANHelp at 613 Gilmer St. from 7:00am to 9:00am and you will receive a free breakfast with coffee or hot chocolate, while supplies last. You will not even have to get out of your vehicle!
“Please don’t forget to search your closets for those cold weather items you no longer use! CANHelp’s Annual Fall Coat & Blanket Drive provides an easy way for individuals, families, schools, and organizations to participate in helping their neighbors in need.
“All donations will be distributed by CANHelp to those in need in Hopkins County beginning November 1, 2015 at CANHelp.
“Thank you to our Sponsors: City National Bank, First Baptist Church, Hope’s House, and Shannon Oaks Church.”