Summer has come to an end here at the Sulphur Springs Public Library and school has begun. I am so proud of all the kids and parents that committed themselves to a summer of reading. Each child who completed the challenge of 5 reading logs completed 8 ½ hours of reading this summer.
We now turn our sights to school, tests, football and raking the leaves. Apples and pumpkin are in season, so now is the time for fall recipes. Why don’t you stop by the library and check out a recipe book for some new ideas? I recommend Melissa’s Southern Cookbook. Or better yet, check out the eBooks from ? I recommend Michael Symon’s 5 in 5.
Just because Summer Reading is over doesn’t mean the library workers hang up our hats! No way! September is Library Card Sign Up Month – we encourage everyone who doesn’t have a card to come in and get one. Snoopy cards are almost gone and there will not be more! Then explore what the library can do for you.
- If you still enjoy turning the pages of a solid book in your hands, there are many advantages to borrowing books from the library. Besides having the newest releases, library books can be reserved online and picked up at your convenience.
- Audiobooks on CD. If you find you enjoy listening to a great book, check out our wide selection. Did you know… Roy Dotrice is in the Guinness Book of World Records for the 224 separate voices he created for the “Games of Thrones” audiobook. Check it out!
- eBooks and eAudiobooks. Our anywhere, anytime online services allow you to download eBooks, eAudiobooks and streaming videos onto your device for 2 weeks. No late fees…ever!
- Education: Libraries exist to encourage life-long learning, so we frequently offer education on a variety of subjects. March/April is Adult programming, June/July is Summer Reading for the kids, September is Library Card Sign up month and October is for the Teens.
- A Place to Kick Up Your Feet. At the library you can settle in for some quality time with a book. Our chairs have been away for recovering and are back now. Check out our new look in the nook with a book!
- STORYTIME FOR PRESCHOOLERS will begin in September and run through the school year. 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at 10:30. Books, songs, stories, puppets and guest authors throughout the year.
- Ongoing Adult Programming: Play Library BINGO for a free canvas book bag and our weekly COMPUTER COACH can help you with your computer and internet goals. LONE STAR LEGAL AID’s last visit of the year is Sept 21, 1-4pm.
- Teens have a place too, with an online Facebook contest. Like us on Facebook and see what the buzz is about! Even if you are not a teen, you are invited to visit our Facebook page Oct 10-21 and vote on your favorite entry. Stay tuned!
Whatever you are interested in, the library has a spot for you! Visit us soon!
Submitted by Hope Cain, Director, Sulphur Springs Public Library