Team Registration Opens for Annual Hopkins County Stew Contest

Registration is underway for the 47th Annual World Champion Hopkins County Stew Contest. The contest is set for Saturday, October 22nd. Returning stew cooks have the option of keeping their 2015 site which will be reserved until Friday, September 16th. On Monday, September 19, all unclaimed stew sites will be open to new cooks or to returning cooks who would like a new site location. After September 19th, all sites will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis.

A cooking team is composed of up to two cooks and two helpers. Each cooking team will need a $175 sponsor. From the $175 entry fee, $125 will be returned to the cooking team to purchase ingredients. Contestants are encouraged to participate in the campsite and costume contest.

A reception for the cooks is Tuesday, October 11 at 6 p.m. at the Southwest Dairy Museum. At that time they will receive the ingredient check, two complimentary stew bowls, and contest rules and information.

Contact the Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce to register.


Author: Staff Reporter

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