by Brandon Darrow
Now that the rain has subsided we are back to those August temperatures! The rain was great while it lasted and really perked up the grass and gardens in the area. Two weeks ago everything was starting to turn brown and burn up, but now the grass is as bright and green as if it were Spring.
Construction is still on-going at the new elementary school addition. I stopped by the other day and took a look at the progress. Exterior walls are starting to go up, the roof is on, and you can begin to see where classrooms will be situated.
Thursday night was the annual FFA Hamburger Supper at 7 pm. Food was served under the oak trees, just north of the high school. I was surprised to see so many people there. There was a good showing of parents, students, and faculty members this year. The majority of the school board members were present and I was able to meet our new maintenance man, Robert Smith, and his family. I saw several folks I knew but there were quite a few new faces there that night. I guess that’s how it is when enrollment increases. As of the end of the first day our total enrollment (PK-12) was 313 – the highest it has ever been.
I was glad to meet Mr. Smith at the hamburger supper and Leah Davis at Meet the Teacher night last week. I still need to meet Samantha Watson, math teacher. Another teacher that is new to the district is Rolanda (Flecker) Hasten. She comes back to her old home school from teaching several years at Caddo Mills. Rolanda was a MG graduate and past school board trustee.
It seems like there are quite a few couples with MG connections that are expecting babies or have just had a new child. Sue Ann (Sparks) McDonald and husband, Joe, are expecting a baby boy. Brandie (McLane) English and husband, Colten, have a new son – River. He was born July 15 weighing in at 6.6 lbs and was 19 inches long.
Notice as you pass thru Miller Grove there are now signs up pointing out our three historical markers. The Texas Department of Transportation put those up last week at my request. Now, we just need to get the one at County Line marked by the Rains County TxDOT.
As you travel the highways and byways don’t forget that all roads lead back home and back to Miller Grove. Please send me any newsworthy information. My email address is [email protected].