Left to right (front): Sher Sevier, Peggy Dietze, Dr. Bill Dietze (rear) Sam Sevier.
Every year, the Lights of Life Campaign Committee selects an individual, couple or business that has shown exceptional service, commitment and passion for Hopkins County and specifically for their support of the hospital. That tradition continues with the couple selected as the 2016-2017 Campaign Honorees: Dr. Bill & Peggy Dietze
Bill & Peggy have been an integral part of the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation since its inception over 20 years ago. Dr. Dietze served on the Foundation Board of Directors and also was Chairman for several years. In 2009, he & Peggy served as the Lights of Life Campaign chairs which built the Children’s Therapy Gardens. Every year, without fail, Bill & Peggy are present for every event, activity, and meeting and of course the Gala. Dr. Dietze spends countless hours “picking up” and “returning” items for the Gala, while Peggy has one of the toughest jobs of the gala…keeping the committee fed! She manages to have the entire kitchen “packed” with the most delicious goodies anyone could ever want…for several days! Bill & Peggy are the epitome of servants to this community. It does not matter what you ask of them, they are going to give it 110% with smiles on their faces and happy hearts.
This couple has dedicated their lives to serving others and we are so thankful for their support of the Health Care Foundation, our local hospital and this amazing community.