Meredith Townsend
New Sulphur Springs High School Digital Learning Specialist Meredith Townsend was on campus Monday working to get 1300 laptops re-imaged and ready for every high school student. They are expected to get them sometime early this school year. As of Monday morning, about 800 were already ready to go. Ms. Townsend says this year will be one for students to get used to the laptops. They will be able to carry them around and take them home.
Meanwhile she says she’ll be working with teachers on ways to best utilize the laptops. Ms. Townsend says she used laptops in the classroom while teaching biology in the Highland Park school district last year. Several years ago, the Sulphur Springs School Board began a program of providing tablets and laptops to students in the district. Once the high school program is in place, students from grades 3 through 12 will have laptops or tablets to use.