For Sale: T-Cup Chihuahua’s $100, also oak cabinets 7 pieces, call 903-439-8771 leave a message
FREE: Sylvania television call: 903-438-0787
For Sale: New area rug, New Wave Oven with DVD and Cookbook, Glider Rocker with Footstool, New in box DVD player, Acer Chrome laptop computer.. Call 903-885-4418
For Sale: Two year old washing machine in excellent condition… Call: 903-243-4126
Kenmore side by side refrigerator with filtered water in door, black and stainless steel-$350, Maytag washer and dryer-$300 ,20 inch Magnavox TV DVD triple combo with remote control-$80 its in great condition, 80 moving boxes-small, med, and large, tape dispenser with tape-$35…Call: 903-440-5337
Found on Highway 154 South 3 miles from Walmart, a solid black male cat. Possibly 1-2 years old. If he is your cat call 903-885-1104; if no answer leave a message.
For Sale: Kenmore Gas Cook stove asking $75, If interested call: 903-439-8312