soccer ball net
Paris Junior College’s new soccer coach, Sylvester Jallah, will hold a tryout for the women’s soccer this Saturday, July 15 and men’s soccer on Saturday, July 16. The slots are for the upcoming season, which is fast approaching. Tryouts will be held at Noyes Stadium at the PJC campus in Paris.
“We are looking for players who are dedicated, have a great work ethic as well as a highly technical and tactical ability to deal with pressure in a competitive NJCAA conference,” said Coach Jallah.
The women’s tryout will be on Friday at 5 p.m., and the men’s tryout will be on Saturday at 1 p.m. Those wishing to tryout need to be high school graduates, arrive 15 minutes early to fill out the necessary paperwork, and must bring shin guards. For further information contact Coach Jallah at 254-931-5102 or [email protected].
Both teams are in Division I of the National Junior College Athletic Association. Noyes Stadium is on the west side of the Paris Junior College campus at 2400 Clarksville Street, Paris, Texas, 75460. Interested players may also fill out an online soccer recruitment form at www.parisjc.edu/athletics.