Rise in Crude Oil Prices Good News for Commissioners

Road Construction

Road Construction

Hopkins County Commissioners are taking steps to secure crude oil to be used in repair of county roads this summer. According to County Judge Robert Newsom, crude oil prices are finally higher making available the opportunity to purchase crude. The commissioners had been stymied in their search for crude oil due to low prices creating lack of interest on the part of any supplier to make available the needed commodity.

Commissioner Beth Wisenbaker, whose Precinct 1 roads have been ravaged by flooding during the past year, said a meeting this week may have opened the door to a supplier. She stated the county commissioners have stressed their interest in purchasing crude oil and a supplier is now seeking the oil and storage both to supply the county and within the county for road work. She stated that the crude oil must be delivered hot to the road site and must remain hot for work to be performed properly. Hot oil has been a problem in the past. Wisenbaker also said that hot temperatures are needed. She stated that nights must be in the upper 70’s or warmer for the oiled roadway to set appropriately.

The commissioners are now waiting for an answer from the crude oil supplier regarding the requirements and price for the oil to be used in summer roadwork.

Author: Staff Reporter

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