17 Dogs Removed from Cruel Confinement; County Has Animal Cruelty Investigator

HumeSeventeen dogs were seized by Hopkins County Sheriff’s Corporal Koby Hume and the SPCA of Texas Thursday morning in the Como area. The 12 adult dogs and five puppies were transferred to be housed in the SPCA of Texas Storage Facility temporarily until a more permanent arrangement is made. Charges of Cruel Confinement of the animals are pending. No arrest has been made.

Hume, who has been newly assigned as Animal Cruelty Investigator for the Hopkins county Sheriff’s Department, and another officer observed the cruel confinement of the 17 dogs Wednesday while assisting Child Protective Services remove a child at the Como location. Hume stated that he and the other officer observed firsthand the situation and secured a cruel confinement warrant for the seizure.

Hume said if anyone in Hopkins County notes what they suspect to be animal cruelty; they may now call the Sheriff’s Office. He will be investigating all reports made. He noted that before, residents usually contacted the SPCA but now there is a local investigator and all should contact the Sheriff’s Office.


Author: Staff Reporter

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