Sports Banquet Honors SSHS Athletes Tonight
May 5, 2016) – The 2015-2016 Sulphur Springs Wildcat All-Sports Banquet takes place tonight (Thursday, May 5, 2016) beginning at 6 p.m. in the High School Cafeteria. Decorations were being put in the cafeteria this morning. Big Smith’s Barbeque will be served starting at 6 p.m. Wildcats Athletic Director Greg Owens will be giving some special awards including one for a special athlete. In all some 17 teams will be recognized in 11 different sports.
Coaches for each Wildcats and Lady Cats’ teams will introduce their squads, will mention their accomplishments and will name team MVP’s. The final awards are the James Cameron Fighting Heart Awards for Wildcats and Lady Cats and the Forrest Gregg MVP Awards for Wildcats and Lady Cats. We’ll bring you coverage of the Athletic Banquet tonight starting around 6:30 p.m. or so on KSST Radio. We will videotape the banquet for airing on Channel 18 TV on Suddenlink Cable at a later date.