December 31, 2015 – The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and the Mount Vernon Police Department assisted by the Texas Rangers are investigating the murder of a six year old male child, Wesley Benjamin “Ben” Roycroft, at the Logan’s Pointe Apartments on Whitten Drive in Mount Vernon, Texas. Suspect Christie Lynn Roycroft, a 30 year old female and step-mother to Benjamin, was taken into custody at the scene by responding officers and placed in the Franklin County Jail for the charge of Capital Murder and is being held on a $2.5 million bond. At approximately 11:40AM the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office received a 9-11 call from a female subject, at the residence, claiming to be Benjamin’s mother.

Christie Lynn Roycroft
Officers arriving on scene were met by Suspect Roycroft in front walkway of the apartment where she was immediately detained in connection with the homicide. Officers then secured the residence where they found the victim inside. No other persons were home at the time.
Child Protective Services was contacted and are cooperating in the investigation, as well. CPS, upon examination of their records, advised that they have no prior history of abuse or neglect involving this family.
The victim has been taken Southwest Institute of Forensic Science (SWIFTS), in Dallas, TX. Means and manner of death are being withheld at this time and will be released following the official report from the SWIFTS autopsy results.
Benjamin Roycroft was a student at Mount Vernon Elementary School, which has been apprised of the situation. Counselors will be made available when students return on Tuesday, January 5th . Franklin County Sheriff Ricky Jones expressed his deepest condolences to the family and friends of young Benjamin and would like them to know that his prayers will be with them through these trying times.