Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

September Weather Summary

rain guageSeptember continued a trend of subpar rainfall months for Sulphur Springs. It was the fourth straight dryer than normal month. The city Water Treatment Plant recorded 1.02 inches of rain. Normal for September is 3.35. Still because of a very wet first five months of the year, the city has still received above average rainfall for the first 9 months of 2015. Average is 33.25 inches and we have received 36.02 inches. That’s plus 2.77 inches for the year to date. Rain fell in only three days in September, the last one on September 9. October is usually a wet month and we average 5.21 inches during a typical October. We had our last 100 degree day in September on the 7th. Average high last month was 92 and average low was 68. The low for the month was 56 degrees.

Author: Staff Reporter

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