Miller Grove News

miller groveI believe we are having a baby boom in Miller Grove lately. Several couples are expecting babies and two with Miller Grove connections were born this week.

Brittney (Grant) Jones delivered a healthy baby boy this past Saturday. Little Robert Austin “Robbie” Jones was born Oct. 10, on his mother’s birthday. He weighed 6 lbs, 11 oz and was welcomed into the world by Brittney and Chris Jones as well as a host of grandparents and friends. Brittney was a 2010 graduate of MG and I’m sure many of you remember her grandfather, Henry Garmon of Miller Grove.

John Derick Wilbur has welcomed his third daughter into the world this week. Hadley Grace Wilbur was born Thursday, Oct. 15, weighing 7 lbs, 2 oz, and 19 ½ inches long. Mother, Stacie, and baby are doing well. I’m sure that little Hadley is being doted over by her big sisters, Sarah, Ava, and Kaitlyn. Other family members include proud grandmother, Alice Wilbur, and aunt Holly Wilbur, of Miller Grove.

Happy Birthday this week to Baden Shackelford on Oct. 11, Judy Slatter & Kim (Potts) Harper on Oct. 12, Johnny Lennon & Don Petty on Oct. 13, Haley Potts on Oct. 14, Sherry (Ragan) Dial on Oct. 15, and Gary McGowan on Oct. 17.

Sherry (Ragan) Dial had a good 50th birthday on Thursday. She was treated to a meal at Lou Viney’s Winery and Restaurant. Several cousins were on hand to help her celebrate her special day with gifts and a good meal.

As you travel the highways and byways don’t forget that all roads lead back home and back to Miller Grove. Please send me any newsworthy information. My email address is [email protected].

Author: KSST Webmaster

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