Local Police Issue Scam Warning

ksst ksstradio.comWatch out for scam artists. One even tried to scam Sulphur Springs Police Detective Sgt. David Gilmore and a friend of his with different telephone cons. Sgt. Gilmore said a cellphone call last Thursday advised him that he had won $6.5 million in the lottery but that he had to pay $350 in IRS taxes to receive the money. The caller had a middle eastern accent according to Gilmore.

Gilmore reminds the public that when you purchase a lottery ticket, you do not give personal information. This raised the question as to how the local resident’s cellphone number had been acquired. Also, the IRS will charge more than $350 for such a large capital gain. Gilmore pointed out that anyone falling victim to such a scam has little recourse. Local police and even federal law enforcement has no jurisdiction in this type of scam. Gilmore calls for common scense in just instances.

Gilmore had received a call recently. That caller left a call back number and stated that there was a descrepancy in Gilmore’s filed income tax. Gilmore said the individual failed to compose a proper English sentence. The caller threatened prosecution. He also noted that the IRS will not call but will send a letter when seeking information.

Gilmore reminds local citizens to not give out personal information unless they are certain they are speaking to the correct party.


Author: Staff Reporter

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