September 2015 Schedule of Activities at Cooper Lake State Park

Can you believe it? The month of September is at the door!  August has been a busy month here at Cooper Lake State Park in spite of the “dog days of summer”. Surprisingly, the nights over the past few weeks have been just perfect for getting outside and exploring nature. With September comes the Labor Day weekend and the end of summer camping trip. If you haven’t already made your reservations for a campsite it may be too late. The majority of our campsites have already been reserved but don’t give up! You never know if someone will change their plans and open a spot for you.


One item of interest in the month of September will be the Harvest Moon, the full moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox, which takes place on September 27th and 28th. Not only will the Moon be in its full phase it will also be a “Super” Moon. Not only that but it will be a Super “Super” Moon. A Super Moon is a full moon that appears larger than the normal moon. That is the result of the moon’s orbit coming close to earth making it appear larger but it is really just closer to us. And the reason it will be a Super “Super” Moon is that it will be at its closest to earth than any other time this year. Not long after it reaches its closest point the moon will begin to enter an eclipse and will appear to be  reddish in color or “Blood Moon”.


Our programs will be slowing down a bit over September because of some special programs taking place here as well as at other parks around the area. We will still be having the Dutch Oven cooking program on the second Saturday and would love to have some of you Dutch Oven cooks come out and cook with me. That will be at 9:30 a.m. on September 12th at the South Sulphur Unit.


Some of you may have come out to hike just to find that Coyote Run Trail was partially closed because of need for a bridge repair. That has been completed and Coyote Run is now entirely open and available for hiking or biking traffic. Get outside and enjoy the great outdoors and there is no better place to do that than at Cooper Lake State Park! We look forward to seeing you! Catch up with us on Facebook for events and happenings at Cooper Lake State Park!




Jim Beach

Park Police Officer/Park Interpreter

Cooper Lake State Park/South Sulphur Unit

(903) 945-5256

Author: KSST Webmaster

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