Mega Lung…from Dr. Oz Show to The Children’s Museum in Commerce

Mega Lung Photo 2

Elana Barton, Director of Development; Kathleen Hooten, President of Board, Beckey Thompson, Vice President of Board; Sharline Freeman, Executive Director.

Through a “Tobacco Grant” from Hunt Regional Healthcare, “Mega Lung” is now on permanent display at The Northeast Texas Children’s Museum. The 9-ft. tall interactive teaching tool helps children see how the lungs work, the effects of healthy…and unhealthy…lungs, and the impact of lung-related diseases. The only one of it’s kind in the state, the educational walk-through display can also be taken on location to schools, rallies and health fairs. You can see it on display at the museum located on the NW corner of Culver and Hwy. 50 in Commerce, Texas.

For additional information, or to schedule the exhibit at a school or special event, contact Museum Executive Director Sharline Freeman at 903-886-6055.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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