Hearings Set as Tax Rate Remains the Same But Revenue Increases

Even though the city of Sulphur Springs is keeping their tax rate the same as in several years past, they still must have two hearings in the near future because the tax revenue is going up in their proposed budget for next fiscal year due to increased net taxable property values.

City Manager Marc Maxwell said tax rates are heavily regulated in the state of Texas. He said that even though the tax rate remains the same, the value of houses are increasing that that will boost revenue. That boost in revenue demands public hears according to state law. Maxwell said the increase in value is a good economic sign. He stated that should values reach 8% increase in a year, a rollback would be necessary. Sewer increases are necessitated by upgrades that are needed in the city waste water treatment process.

Maxwell points to energy as a reason for a steady economy. He stated that, as in the past, he does not expect anyone to attend the meetings.

Author: Staff Reporter

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