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All-Staff Meeting Monday Focused on Why Teachers Teach

teacher assembly

The Sulphur Springs ISD had its’ annual All-Staff Meeting at the Sulphur Springs Middle School Monday morning. All those present had on t-shirts with Hero on a Mission on the back. Among speakers Monday was Superintendent Michael Lamb who discussed why teachers teach.

Changing lives, love making a difference in kids lives, and love kids Lamb called the Sunday School reasons but they are not the thoughts of a future teachers declaring a major in college. He said he now follows a career in education because of these reasons. He said one can be in teaching for selfish reasons but education becomes a mission in life when the goal changes to focus on others. He said he knows that teachers who return each year do so because they are focused on the students.

Lamb said the past year had been a tough year with legal battles, discipline issues, and other problems that could have discouraged teachers. An issue posted to Facebook brought “death threats from all 50 states”. Lamb said “we are babies at Facebook impact.” Lamb said following the Second Greatest Commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself” is how one gets through those times and will continue to assist in enduring difficulties that will be faced in education.  He said relationships  are the key to surviving and making a difference through education.

Author: Staff Reporter

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