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Low Quality Forage Hits East Texas

unnamedOVERTON — East Texans have made a lot of hay so far this year, but because rains delayed harvesting, fertilization and herbicide treatments, much of it may be of low quality, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agronomist.

“That’s why it’s as important as ever to be able to produce high-quality winter forages this year,” said Dr. Vanessa Corriher-Olson, AgriLife Extension forage specialist, Overton.

Corriher-Olson and her colleague, Dr. Jason Banta, AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist, Overton, will be conducting a training, “Winter Pastures for Central and East Texas,” on Aug. 14.

The training will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Overton.

“One of the big problems with hay from overly mature summer forages is often low energy content,” Corriher-Olson said. “We’ll be discussing how to make up for this as well.”

Registration for the program is $60 before Aug. 5 and $75 before Aug. 11, after which registration will be closed. Registration includes lunch and program materials. Register online by going to, entering “pasture” in the search window, or call Extension Conference Services at 979-845-2604.

Corriher-Olson said the program will address many of the issues people commonly have about establishing winter pastures:

— Cool-season forages and variety selection.

— Monthly and seasonal forage production potential.

— U.S. Department of Agriculture Internet soil survey demonstration.

— Establishment and fertilization.

— Grazing and utilization strategies.

— Impact of cool-season annuals on warm-season perennials.

— Appropriate mineral supplementation.

— Armyworms and other cool-season forage insects.

— Estimated costs of establishment.

Banta said time will be allotted for a question-and-answer session after the presentations.
The program will offer two continuing education units to Texas Department of Agriculture private pesticide applicator license holders — one in the integrated pest management category and one in general.

Maps and driving directions to the Overton center can be found by going to and clicking on “Center Information” on the left panel.

For more information, call Michelle Sensing at 903-834-6191.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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