Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Summer Events at Cooper Lake State Park, June 2015

What a month we have had in May, 2015! Who would have thought that by the end of May we would be almost 3 feet over normal pool level for Cooper Lake. Just two months ago we were still below normal and now we are above normal by more than 2 feet. It is exciting to see people coming out to boat, fish, and swim at the swimming area. It’s great to see the lake full once again. On top of that the wildlife seem to enjoy this unusual wet season we have had so far. Rabbits have been abundant, deer have been delivering their young, and birds that I have not seen here before have made their appearance.


We had a busy month in May and were able to present most of the programs schedule between the rain showers. A few were even held during the rainy times. The clouds even rolled back to allow us to do some stargazing on the 24th. One family from Plano came out for the stargazing and were wowed by the view of the moon and Jupiter that night.


In June we will be starting out with a special hike down Coyote Run Trail to celebrate National Trails Day. The guided hike will begin at 9:30 a.m. Come and join with thousands of hikers around the United States and support and celebrate our hiking trails! Many other programs have been scheduled for you and your family to enjoy. From camping skills to camp cooking, from geocaching to fishing with a ranger, there is something for everyone to enjoy and experience in the great outdoors. Come on out and enjoy the best that nature has to offer at Cooper Lake State Park

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Jim Beach

State Park Peace Officer/Interpretive Guide

Cooper Lake SP/South Sulphur Unit

Sulphur Springs, Tx

(903) 945-5256

Author: Staff Reporter

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