The Echo Publishing Company will not have electricity until in the morning at 5 a.m. according to Oncor. So, that means there will be No paper printed and delivered today. The Newspaper will continue to updated their Facebook page. A link is provided below.
The Tuesday publication of the Sulphur Springs News Telegram is in jeopardy. The News-Telegram building is without electricity. A decision will be made regarding publication between now and 2 p.m. That decision rests on whether or not electrical power is restored. If electrical power is restored before 2 p.m. the newspaper will publish and deliveries will be late according to News-Telegram Business Manager Butch Burney.
Also creating difficulties for the news outlet, their website server is housed in their building. No electrical power means their website is also down until power is restored. Their Facebook page is live: Sulphur-Springs-News-Telegram
As a courtesy to the News-Telegram, KSST will keep you posted on their publication plans.