Brashear News by Debbie Young

Small town life is the life for me.  Last week, Tom and I were out of town and unreachable by telephone.  So when we looked at our FB we find a message, Pat George wanted to let us know that our water meter was going crazy.  Running……a lot.  So Red turned our water off before our bill became too bad.  Our son, Matt, came and checked out the house and no water flowing.  So it was determined that the commode was running, so thankful that someone cared enough to try and find out what was the problem.  Thank goodness for the Pat and Red George and Uncle Glen.


Tom, Tom, how does your garden grow?  It is going great guns with the sun this week.  We will be picking mustard greens, swiss chard, kale, and radishes.  Our potato plants are looking good.  Just not very many of them.  The rain had us worried that they may have rotted.  Hope a few more come up.  How is your garden?


I guess everyone has heard the Brashear Store will be opening up hopefully in two weeks.  They have painted the outside and working on cleaning up the inside.  It looks great.  I stopped in and peeked to see what was happening.  I know that everyone will be happy when it opens up again.


Saturday night, I wonder if anyone in the neighborhood happened to hear a loud bang?  Someone ran over our mailbox and there were tracks in the ditch.  Hope they did not have too much damage.  Our mailbox was totaled.  Ha!


The irises are blooming and are looking beautiful.  Birds are singing and I think you can say Spring has Sprung.
Thank you to the newspaper and radio for publishing my little bit of Brashear News.  Please continue to contact me if you have something you want to share.  Call me at 903.612.8806; email me at [email protected]; or just drop by CR 1119 where all the barns are located.  We love to have visitors.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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