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Spring is Busy for Hopkins County 4-H Members

Spring is Busy for Hopkins County 4-H Members

Every time I present a program, I ask for a show of hands of those who are familiar with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.  A few hands usually go up.  (Granted, our agency has been through three name changes since I first started, so the confusion is understandable!)  Then, I ask how many have heard of the 4-H program.  Almost every hand pops up!  I then explain that the 4-H and Youth program falls under the umbrella of Extension, which also includes Family & Consumer Sciences, Agriculture/Natural Resources, and Community Development.

As Extension agents for Hopkins County, my co-worker and I are responsible for the 4-H program. . . and it keeps us busy!  An exciting event, Hopkins County 4-H Round-up, is taking place on Saturday, March 28, at the ROC (Recreation Outreach Center), 115 Putman, Sulphur Springs, with registration starting at 1:30 p.m. and contests beginning at 2:00 p.m.  We want all our 4-H families, friends, and neighbors to come out and support these kids.

The Hopkins County 4-H Round-up offers several contests, and will showcase the talents of our kids.  Age divisions for all contests are based on age as of September 1, 2014.  Clover Kids: ages 5 to 7; Junior: ages 8 (and in 3rd grade), to 10; Intermediate: ages 11 to 13; Senior: ages 14-to 18.

The following contests are available for all Hopkins County 4-H’ers:

1)      4-H Fashion Show – Entry deadline for paper work is March 23.  Two categories are available for entry.  Under the Construction category, the youth sews the outfit and enters in one of the following: Everyday Living (casual, sleepwear, sportswear); Re-Fashion (construct an outfit from existing clothing or fabric.  Example: neckties made into a skirt, curtains made into a dress, etc.); Semi-formal to formal; or Theater/costume.  Under the Buying category, the youth purchases the outfit and enters in one of the following: Business/interview; Fantastic Fashions Under $25; Semi-formal to formal; or Special Interest (equestrian, dance, etc.)

During the contest, participants will model their outfit for the judging and awards presentation.  Entry forms are available at the Extension Office.

2)       Educational Presentations – This contest involved telling about something or showing how to do something.  Charts, photos, posters, models, power point presentations, etc. are permitted to enhance the presentation.  Unless otherwise stated, these may be presented as an individual or up to 5 people.  Topics available are: Beef, Clothing & Textiles, Companion Animals, Health, Horse (individual or team of 2), Open (doesn’t fit any other category), Open Ag/Natural Resources, Open Family & Consumer Sciences, Promote 4-H, Safety & Injury Prevention, Sheep/Goats.  There is a 12 minute time limit for the presentation, and an additional 9 minutes for set-up and clean-up.

3)      Public Speaking – This contest consists of the youth giving a 5 to 7 minutes speech, suitable as a platform speech or radio broadcast.  Visuals are not permitted for this contest, and is done as an individual.

4)      Sharethe-Fun – This contest can be done as an individual or teams up to 9 participants.  Similar to a talent contest, the entry categories are: Choreographed Routines, Dramedy (Drama/Comedy combination), Poetry/Prose, Vocal, Celebrate 4-H, Musical/Instrumental, Solo/Band.  The presentation is limited to 6 minutes, with an additional 4 minutes for set-up and take-down, for a total of 10 minutes.


One of our 4-H leaders has been out and about acquiring prizes and t-shirts for participants, and we welcome such contributions to support our youth!  All Hopkins County 4-H members who would like to participate are encouraged to contact the Extension Office and tell us which contest you would like to enter – 903-885-3443.  You may enter the Fashion Show, plus one of the other contests.


Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes

This serves as a reminder that registration is now taking place for the spring “Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes” series.  Sessions will take place on March 25, 27, 31, April 2, and 7, at the Hopkins County Office of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, 1200-B W. Houston, Sulphur Springs, at 1:30 p.m.  A one-time fee of $25 will be taken at the first session.  The fee covers all materials, refreshments, door prizes, and cooking demonstrations.  Seating is limited, so please call to reserve your seat!  This is an excellent series for people wanting information on managing their diabetes while still enjoying tasty foods.  Call 903-885-34re to sign up.


Closing Thought

Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible and suddenly, you are doing the impossible – Francis of Assisi


Johanna Hicks
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Family & Consumer Sciences
1200-B W. Houston
P.O.Box 518
Sulphur springs, TX 75483
903-885-3443 – phone

Author: KSST Webmaster

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