School Board Update

The Sulphur Springs School Board selected Administrator Betty Lawson to be the new principal at Travis Primary School at Monday’s night’s board meeting. LaToya Hood was also named a Special Ed Aide at Middle School. Among early notification retirements or resignations approved Monday, Sherry Chester, Grants and Professional Development Director; Dannie Johnson Agriculture Teacher at High School; Michelle Blackmon English Language Arts and Journalism Teacher at Middle School; Randy Doo, Middle School Band Director; Chuck Eoff, PE Teacher and Coach at Middle School; Johnny Wells, ACE Teacher at Middle School; Kathy Fleming, English Language Arts Teacher at Middle School; Joanna Seaney, Special Ed Aide at Middle School; Lisa Glenn, Title 1 Aide at ECLC; Debra Goodson, Family Services Specialist at ECLC; Jana Icenhower, Title 1 Aide at Travis; Debra Barrett, Reading Teacher at Sulphur Springs Elementary; Patricia Burns, Dyslexia Teacher at Sulphur Springs Elementary and Suetta Armstrong, Math and Science Teacher at Douglas.

The Sulphur Springs School Board also approved an ordinance canceling their May 9 trustee election. It also declared unopposed incumbents Don Sapaugh and Jason Dietze duly elected.

The board also approved next school year’s school calendar. It calls for a snow day on April 22, Earth Day. An extra leap year day caused some tweaking according to Superintendent Michael Lamb.

Business Manager Sherry McGraw distributed a budget calendar for next school year’s budget. Ms. McGraw plans to give the board a preliminary budget in May and a recommended budget will be presented in July. The board is to adopt a budget and tax rate in August.

The Board approved several Head Start items including a refunding application. Funds are expected to be the same as the current amount. The program provides services for 179 students.

The board also approved a new district Emergency Operations Plan with just a few changes from past plans.

Students again led those present in pledges of allegiance to the U.S. and Texas flags. Sidney Dietze, daughter of Jason and Jill Dietze, led the pledge to the U.S. flag. Addyson Lamb, daughter of Michael and Nikole Lamb, and Reese Rabe, son of Jason and Dusty Rabe, led the pledge to the Texas flag.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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