After driving to Allen from Sulphur Springs for seven weeks so her son could play in a baseball league for children with special needs, Veronica Yost went to work to bring the Bright Star Baseball League to town. Now to take the league to the next level, Ms. Yost is part of a ambitious plan to raise nearly half a million dollars for Celebration Field, Home of Bright Star Baseball. The league is hoping for a spring 2017 groundbreaking for the special synthetic rubberized field in Buford Park.
Sulphur Springs Lions’ Club member Don Sapaugh expressed disappointment concerning how the club was being treated by the Bright Star Baseball League for special needs kids. He noted that the club was not being informed concerning developments despite being involved in the idea from the beginning. Several times Sapaugh said trust had been broken. He said the club would have to seriously consider what steps to take concerning future affiliation with the Bright Star group.