I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Mine was leisurely and quite but it was nice. My dad’s side of the family celebrated on Saturday (Dec. 20). We had a good time eating and visiting at my Aunt Betty Phillip’s house in the South Liberty community. My next Christmas was on Christmas day with my parents and my brother’s family. We had a spread of breakfast foods that morning after opening presents.
Please keep Faye Tipps on your prayers. She has been under the weather for a while now.
My condolences go out to the family of Floyd “Demp” Sturdevant. Mr. Sturdevant passed away Friday, Dec. 19 with funeral services being held at Brashear Baptist Church on Sunday, Dec. 21. Visitation was held prior the services. I can say it was a privilege to get to work along side Demp when we were both employees at Miller Grove School. He was always happy and in a good mood and enjoyed the students and faculty. Even after his retirement I was able to see him on a regular basis since we were both members of Brashear Baptist Church. He was a Godly man and a friend to all who knew him. He is survived by his wife, Marlene Sturtevant (of 63 years); daughters, Kathy Wren (and husband Dwayne) and Cheri Tipps (and husband Stevie) all of Miller Grove; four grandsons, David Tipps, Jeff Wren, Kevin Tipps, and Austin Tipps; and four great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two daughters, Darlene and Bertie Ann Sturdevant. Burial took place in Miller Grove Cemetery under the direction of West Oaks Funeral Home.
Another person with a Miller Grove connection passed away this week. Billy Paul Wright went to his heavenly home on Dec. 22. He passed away in the Divide community where he lived the majority of his life. Billy Paul was born Mar. 9, 1934, in Hopkins County the only son of Haskell Prentis Wright and Mamie Clyde (Dowdy) Wright. I always enjoyed getting to talk to Billy Paul. Seems like he always knew some old story to tell me that would catch my interest. He was a member of Shirley Baptist Church. He is survived by his niece, Dena (Higginbotham) Arnett; nephew, Bobby Wayne Higginbotham; and several great nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and one sister, Nadine (Wright) Higginbotham. Burial will be in the Barker Cemetery, a family cemetery on Billy Paul’s land, on Friday, Dec. 26. West Oaks Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
To my surprise, two Miller Grove couples made the front page of the News-Telegram this week. Johnny and Mary Lynn Ferguson and Norman and Ruby Ross were pictured in Tuesday night’s newspaper as being at the City National Bank’s holiday celebration. The bank gave refreshments at their annual open house.
A late note of congratulations to Phillip and Kasey (Burns) Slavens. Their second child, Owen Lane Slavens, was born at Hopkins County Memorial Hospital on Dec. 17. He weighed 7 lbs and 14 oz. I know parents and grandparents (Dwayne and Bettie Wilcox) are very excited to have an early Christmas gift. And, I’m sure Owen’s one-year-old big brother, Hudson, is also glad to have a new sibling.
Happy Birthday this week to Rosemary (Wise) Kubacak on Dec. 21, Monty Tipps on Dec. 22, Beth (Millsap) Adams on Dec. 23, Julie (Wren) Cobb on Dec. 24, Bettie (Varnon) Garrett on Dec. 25, and Leasa Petty on Dec. 27.
Happy 29th Anniversary to Ken and Phyllis (Renshaw) Haywood on Dec. 27.
I will close in saying that I wishing everyone a safe and happy upcoming new year!
As you travel the highways and byways don’t forget that all roads lead back home and back to Miller Grove. Please send me any newsworthy information. My email address is [email protected].