Sulphur Springs City Council approved an agreement that will allow the Hopkins County Genealogical Library to be moved to the Public Library building pending approval by the HCGS. Only two society member spoke against the move—Gilda Cain of Commerce and her daughter Chrystal Dawson of Royce City. Cain pointed out that several of the collections were privately owned, that the genealogical society was an incorporated separate entity from the city, and that moving the library would have, in her opinion, an economic impact on the downtown area. Dawson said that as a member of the friends of the library and the genealogical society, she feared the move would restrict usage of the public library building.
Cain raised an issue about a grand jury and litigation against the Hopkins County Genealogical Society but when pressed for more information in questions from Councilman Craig Johnson, she refused to elaborate.
Councilman Clay Walker pointed out that the only two to speak against the move are not Hopkins County nor Sulphur Springs citizens.
Kayla Price asked about any termination of the agreement at a future date. City Attorney Jim McLeroy answered that no council could impose their will on future councils however the agreement called for the city to assist the genealogical library in relocation should the city terminate the 99 year agreement. McLeroy also pointed out that the city maintains and pays for utilities to the public library building on North Davis Street and moving the genealogical library to the facility would add little expense.
Mayor-Pro Tem Kayla Price said the city is offering the opportunity for the move and that the genealogical society is at liberty to accept or reject the offer. The council unanimously agreed to approve the agreement. The genealogical society will vote on the agreement in a future meeting, according to Ronnie Glossup a member of the society board.
In other business, the council approved a financial package for the Sulphur Springs Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation to use in facilitating the move of companies from California to Sulphur Springs. That announcement will come sometime in January according to Roger Figley, Director of the Sulphur Springs EDC.
Council person Emily Glass was re-elected chair and Oscar Aguilar and Kayla Price were reappointed to Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone #1.