Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Downtown Christmas Lights Contest Results

The checks will be presented to the winners of the Christmas Lights Contest sponsored by the Downtown Business Alliance, this Monday, Dec. 8th, at 2:00 pm, on the square, in front of the big Christmas tree.

Please encourage everyone to be there to help promote our DOWNTOWN.

Here are the winners!

1st. $500.00 Judy Heilman – 618 Connally Street

2nd $200.00 Vickie Mathews – 707 Houston Street

3ed $100.00 Dennis and Sharon Sink – Connally Street

The Christmas Lights Contest was a good success. We had many participates on the parade route and the area looked festive. I think that the neighborhoods were enthusiastic about the project and we should see more participates in the future.

I want to thank you John and Jason Tully for all the great help. And a great big thanks to Pam Elliot for overseeing the judges with the help of Pam Sellers and Maci Newsom(who also did a great job of promoting the event)

Thanks to one and all and Merry Christmas!!


Author: Staff Reporter

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