The checks will be presented to the winners of the Christmas Lights Contest sponsored by the Downtown Business Alliance, this Monday, Dec. 8th, at 2:00 pm, on the square, in front of the big Christmas tree.
Please encourage everyone to be there to help promote our DOWNTOWN.
Here are the winners!
1st. $500.00 Judy Heilman – 618 Connally Street
2nd $200.00 Vickie Mathews – 707 Houston Street
3ed $100.00 Dennis and Sharon Sink – Connally Street
The Christmas Lights Contest was a good success. We had many participates on the parade route and the area looked festive. I think that the neighborhoods were enthusiastic about the project and we should see more participates in the future.
I want to thank you John and Jason Tully for all the great help. And a great big thanks to Pam Elliot for overseeing the judges with the help of Pam Sellers and Maci Newsom(who also did a great job of promoting the event)
Thanks to one and all and Merry Christmas!!