Sulphur Springs High School is having a special day for veterans and their spouses on Tuesday, Veterans Day. There will be a reception at noon in the Library. Then at 1 p.m. in the main gym, they’ll have a patriotic program. Veterans will be recognized by their war and conflict and by their branch of the military. The Wildcats Band will play.
Tuesday will be a big Veterans Day in Sulphur Springs. A Veterans Day Ceremony will take place at 11 a.m. on Celebration Plaza featuring guest speaker Major General Retired Charles L. Wilson. Then at noon, Sulphur Springs High School will honor veterans and their spouses with a reception in the library to be followed by a special program at 1 p.m. in the Main Gym. In the evening, Wal-Mart will host a dinner for veterans at 6 p.m. at League Street Church of Christ
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