Brashear News by Debbie Young 10/21/14

This is such a great place to live. East Texas in the fall, a true fall that is, is beautiful. The cooler mornings are great. I would love that it will not hit 90 again until next May or June. Praying for that to happen.

Busy times are upon us here in Hopkins County with the 45th Annual Stew Fest. The Fall Festival is back on the same date as the Stew Contest and there will be a lot of people in town for this event. I think there should be something for everyone. There is a car show downtown on Celebration Square; a carnival on the civic center grounds; craft show at the PJC building, booths at the high school with wares, and of course the stew contest. This year we are competing (Sorry I have mentioned this before but we are excited.). Look us up our site is #150. Tom and I have gotten our kids involved and would love to have everyone come and meet our children and grandchildren.

Yesterday I had a call from my friend Teresa and she wanted to send a small letter to her mother. Her 80th birthday is this week. Here it is:

To Joy Queta Wilemon: I want to tell you how much I love you. Mom, I know it was not easy raising three kids by yourself, but you did it. This kid loves you to the moon and back. Happy 80th birthday Mom, and I hope you live 80 more years. May your day be all you deserve and lots of love and happiness. I would give you the stars if I could, okay I can, Ha-Ha! The brightest star you see at night is yours. Happy Birthday from your loving daughter, Teresa.

Thank you Teresa for sharing this special announcement with all of us.

The mice problem seems to have let up a little. Found two dead ones yesterday, thanks to my granddaughter. I must have been blind not to see one just lying in the middle of the floor in my sewing room. Thank you Landrii for seeing it for me.

Crow problem may be solved too. I think all of the pecans are gone. If anyone has some pecans and doesn’t mind anyone coming by to pick them, please call me. 903.612.8806.

We are getting a new roof today from all of the storm damage lately. I hope everyone has checked their roof. Some of the predications for winter weather seem to say more storms. Check your roof out to make sure you do not receive additional damage to roof or your home.

A big shout out to our Precinct 1 Road Crew, thank you for the great job on the ditches you did this week. One of my mother’s favorite things to check were the ditches to make sure you could see the road and clean ditches. They look great.

Please take the time to vote. Early voting is at the Sulphur Springs Public Library and voting at your regular polling place is on November 4th. For those of us who vote at Precinct 25 in Brashear, we have a new polling place. We will be located in the small kitchen building at the Brashear Baptist Church.

I would like to mention here that our Divorce Care Sessions are going very well. It is not too late to join us at the First Methodist Church in Sulphur Springs for these sessions. We are also having a one-time session entitled, Surviving the Holidays. This is for those who might be struggling with the idea of going through the holidays being divorced. This will be on Wednesday, November 19th, at 6:30 in the Parlor of the First United Methodist Church. If you know of anyone who could benefit from this, please let them know or call me at 903.612.8806. I will call them and personally invite them.

Another kudoo to our community, the CNB Celebration last week was an awesome celebration. The pictures and all of the activities were great. Let’s with them success and 150 more years.

I want everyone in Hopkins County to take the time the next time you see Bobby McDonald to say Thanks. This man is does an amazing task in keeping everyone up-to-date with his FrontPorch News. Thank you Bobby.

I want to wish Michelle Idzi much success with her new venture. She is opening up in Sulphur Springs right there on Main Street. It is called IdziBitzy Bakery. She will be out front a lot doing the decorating. Stop by for a visit and look and see her beautiful creations. Good luck Michelle.

Do not forget Sharon’s Bar=B-Q next time you are hungry. She is on FB and posts her menu everyday with pictures. If you could only have smell-a-vision, I would gain a few pounds. You can find Sharon and Michelle both on FB.

Visiting with my BFF this week, I heard the Help-A-Child at Wade Bartley’s on Hwy 19 was a huge success. Thank your Wade and everyone else involved in such a good cause. I think you would say this is another good thing about our county.

While writing this column this week, I am sitting here watching the sun come up. What more can I say, simply beautiful. Thank you Lord for allowing me to see this and realize that many people do not get to see your majesty or appreciate it.

Time to close out the news for the week, thanks everyone for your kind comments and calls every week. I am humbled by this. Remember to call me at 903.612.8806; email me at [email protected]; or just drop by CR 1119. If you get lost, stop by The Old Store and ask for directions.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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