Brashear News 10/28/14 by Debbie Young

It’s another beautiful morning in God’s country. Hope you didn’t miss it. Cooler weather is on tap for the next few days. I think that maybe 90 degree days are gone and surely the upper 80’s are gone too until next year. Sure hate we missed out on the rain.

Teresa called me this morning and wanted to say thank you to everyone who came to her mother’s surprise party on Saturday. She also wanted to thank the church for the use of their building, the lady from Alliance Bank who made the cake, and her granddaughter who helped decorate for this special event. She said her mother was truly surprised. Thanks again to everyone from Linda, Ray, and Teresa.

I had an ex student, Kim Gideon, who had a mishap with a buzzard this week. It sure messed up her grill. The buzzards lately wait so long before taking off. Thank goodness Kim was not hurt. If I were to hit one, my car would be totaled.

I would like to remind everyone to vote either this week until Friday or vote at the Brashear Baptist Church on Tuesday. If you have a problem with things, voting is the only way you can express your displeasure and maybe just maybe get the politicians to see what the people want. Remember all you need bring is your photo ID, if you are registered to vote.

The Stew Festival of 2014 is officially in the books. No, we didn’t win, but we did have a great time. A lot of work went into our stew and all of my children helped out. Loved the family effort. I know some of you have said you didn’t find us. We were all the way over by Connally Street at the entrance to Buford Park. Hope you enjoyed some stew and the wonderful weather. KLAKE , KGPF, and KCEN were our sponsors and they were wonderful. They were set up to broadcast right beside us and we met the whole team. Thank you to Russells, Dave, Brian, Ron, and Mr. Kitchens who made this all possible. The gift you gave for our grandchildren was greatly appreciated too. They had a great time at the carnival. Special thanks to all of these people: Karon Weatherman from Senior Citizen Center for the use of her canopy, to Mike Turner for the use of his paddle to stir the stew, and to Ira Black for the use of his stew pot. We have to mention your help because without your help we could not have made stew.

Well, I know you know I could not forget to mention football. Wildcats have a big game this week, Longview. It will be the #1 Offense against the #1 Defense. If you want to see a great game, try to come Friday night. It is Senior Night too where the seniors of 2015 will be recognized for their hard work this year. Go Wildcats!

Our squirrel and crow problems seem to be over. I guess they got all of the pecans. Ha! Another varmint issues has arisen, Tom generally stores our new potatoes in the barn on a flat board to keep them dry. He started to notice that they were shrinking in numbers, large numbers. He became a vegetable detective. He found one or two on the ground leading to his greenhouse. He started checking out the green house and found a 5-gallon bucket and another half bucket of potatoes in the greenhouse in a nest. Either a squirrel or a rat was really getting ready for winter. Too funny. Case solved.

I would like to let everyone know that on November 19th at 6:30 Tom and I will be having a Divorce Care Session about the Holidays. It is called “Surviving the Holidays”. It addresses how to get through the upcoming holidays after getting a divorce. We would like for everyone who has been recently divorced to come and join us. If you know of anyone struggling with separation and divorce, please encourage them to come and see what Divorce Care is all about. The session will be in the parlor at the First United Methodist Church.

Do not forget Daylight Savings time ends this weekend. Turn your clocks back one hour. This means you gain an extra hour of sleep. We can all use that don’t you think.

I want to thank everyone for your comments about my article and remember all you have to do is call, email me, or stop by CR 1119. You can reach me at 903.612.8806; email me at [email protected]; or stop by for a visit at 1047 CR 1119. Until next week, take time to smile it only hurts a little and can make someone’s day so much brighter.

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