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Miller Grove News by Brandon Darrow 09/23/14

How about this cool front that has made it’s way into our area? I walked outside Monday morning and couldn’t believe it. It felt like Autumn was in full swing. In fact, Tuesday morning on my way to work I saw a group of geese flying south in a “V” formation.
Thursday of last week Miller Grove School hosted their second annual Cross Country Meet. Twenty-three schools were represented with a total of 533 runners. We took 2nd place in the boys & girls junior high meet alike, while the varsity girls came in 4th as a group and the varsity boys ended up taking the title of first place. Sounds like all of out home town participants did quite well.
Congratulations to Ray and Jacque (Hayes) Sparks on the new addition to their family. Little Charli Caldonia Sparks was born in Hopkins County Memorial Hospital at 10:53 am, Tuesday, Sept. 23. She weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and was 20 inches long. She was welcomed into the world by her siblings; Paige Neidhart, Lilly Neidhart, and Seamus Sparks. Grandparents are Stephen and Fran Sparks and Kenneth and Charlotte Hayes, all of Miller Grove.

Monday night Miller Grove High School Drama class held their 4th annual Wax Museum for the public. I wasn’t able to go this year but I saw several pictures on Facebook and it looked as though the students did as well as usual being dressed like famous characters.
Happy Birthday this week to Tyler Darrow on Sept. 22; Jerald Wren on Sept. 24; Beau Alcorn, H.C. Burns, Amanda May & Lana (Weaver) Mabe on Sept. 25; Jennifer Darrow on Sept. 26; and Tim Clem & Margaret (Darrow) Cain on Sept. 27. Happy Anniversary on Sept. 22 to Johnny & Mary Lynn Ferguson. This marks 52 years of marriage for them. Happy 37th Anniversary to Paul and Bonnie (Millsap) Garrett on Aug. 24.

As you travel the highways and byways don’t forget that all roads lead back home and back to Miller Grove. Please send me any newsworthy information. My email address is
[email protected].

Author: KSST Webmaster

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