Miller Grove News by Brandon Darrow 09/03/14
Hope everyone had a safe and fun Labor Day. Traditionally, Dwayne and Kathy Wren have a big meal each year on Labor Day and they invite me and several other folks in our family but this year was skipped. Kathy has recently had surgery on her arm so they decided to opt out of the annual meal. I sure did miss it too. They always have a great variety of food and it’s always a good time to catch up with a lot of people that I don’t get to see very often.
Dove season is upon us. I know many folks who have been hunting dove like crazy so far. Good luck to everyone who will be hunting this season.
Friday night there was a wreck in Miller Grove. I happened upon it simply from the fact of seeing a Rains ISD school bus slow down to a near halt at the intersection of FM 275 and FM 1567, headed south bound. When I looked closer there was a woman staggering around in the road. I called 911 and they dispatched a sheriff to the scene. Just before he got there I drove down by the old gym and saw a wrecked car. It looked like she had went down in the steep ditch that runs in front of the old gym, went up the culvert and then the vehicle landed on the north side of the culvert in a terrible shape. The officers looked but no one ever found the lady and her vehicle was towed from the scene.
Saturday I was lucky enough to catch Jim Burns and his family while they were in the cemetery. Jim was doing well and we spoke to each other for a good while. It was nice to see Mary, their daughter, Cheeta, and her son and his girl friend.
Monday afternoon I stopped by Truman Renshaw’s and visited with him for a while.
Happy Birthday to my aunts Margaret (Millsap) Ragan & Mary (Millsap) Smith on Sept. 1, Amy (White) Rubarts & Betty McGowan on Sept. 2, Donald Sparks & Diane (Russell) Hart on Sept. 3, Nathan Petty & Vicki (Lennon) Weaver on Sept. 4, and Virginia Bishop on Sept. 5.
Happy Belated 34th Wedding Anniversary to Leon & Patsy (Johnson) Hallman on Aug. 31. Sept. 5th will mark 32 years of marriage for Johnny & Joni (Durrett) Burns. And finally, a Happy 45th Anniversary to Tom & Evelyn (Akins) Wilson on Sept. 6 and 57th for George & Bonnie (Ferguson) Callan on the same day.
As you travel the highways and byways don’t forget that all roads lead back home and back to Miller Grove. Please send me any newsworthy information. My email address is [email protected].