Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Certificates of Obligation Resolution Approved, City Managers Report

As part of the budget for the next fiscal year, the Sulphur Springs City Council Tuesday night approved a resolution directing publication of a notice of intention to issue combination tax and revenue certificates of obligation. Director of Finance Peter Karstens said the c.o.’s would fund extra street work and equipment and engineering plans for the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade and for the remodeling of old City Hall.

In his Manager’s Report to the Sulphur Springs City Council Tuesday night, City Manager Marc Maxwell noted that Rogers Street was 75% complete. He said it should be finished in about ten days. Maxwell also noted that the street crew and Capital Construction Crew had filled 548 potholes. He said there were none left to fill. Maxwell said potholes could still be reported by calling city hall.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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