Surprise At New Jail Site, Newsom Talks County News

Workers doing dirt work for the new Hopkins County Jail project north of the current jail unearthed a surprise recently. They found what appears to be a railroad spur that had been buried. County Judge Robert Newsom says it shouldn’t raise any environmental issues. He can’t find any records for the spur. Judge Newsom says County Commissioners will be removing the rails and selling the steel.
In some Hopkins County notes, County Judge Robert Newsom says the county’s unemployment rate last month remained 4.7%, lowest in northeast Texas. The rate also betters the state average of 5.6%.
Visitors to the County Courthouse Thursday morning couldn’t help but notice the strong stench of sewer gas permeating the building. It appeared to be coming out of the AC vents. County officials continue to seek an answer using plumbers and ac workers.


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By Doug Haston, KSST Videographer

Author: KSST Webmaster

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