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New 4-H Year Underway!

With the start of school comes the beginning of a new 4-H year. 4-H is the nation’s largest youth organization. 4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. 4-H is about having fun, learning, exploring and discovering. In 4-H, young people make new friends, develop new skills, become leaders and help shape their communities.

More than 65,000 Texas youth are enrolled members of 4-H community clubs in Texas. Another 850,000 Texas youth get involved in 4-H through special educational opportunities at school, in after school programs, or at neighborhood or youth centers. These youth live in cities, suburbs, small towns and rural communities.

4-H gives youth a chance to pursue their own interests – from photography to shooting sports, from foods & nutrition to raising sheep. They go places – to camp, to project meetings, county-wide events, district & state contests. They learn to be leaders and active citizens.

In 4-H clubs, they serve as officers, learn to conduct meetings and facilitate group decision-making. They give back to their communities. 4-H members get involved in volunteer projects to protect the environment, mentor younger children and help people who are less fortunate.

Hopkins County has five active 4-H clubs which youth can join:

· Dike 4-H club meets the first Saturday of each month at the Dike Community Center, 9:00 a.m.

· Infinity 4-H Club meets the second Monday of each month at the Hopkins County Extension Office, 6:00 p.m.

· Miller Grove 4-H club will have its first meeting on Monday, September 8th after school at the Miller Grove School Cafeteria

· 4-H Paw meets after school on the 3rd Thursday at the Sulphur Springs Elementary School, 3:15 p.m.

· Stars of Texas Club meets the 4th Monday of each month at the Arbala Community Center, 6:00 p.m.

· SPIN Clubs (SPecial INterest) focus on one main project and meet for a short term, but members of those groups can also participate in county-wide activities.

Registration for the 2014/2015 4-H year is now taking place. All registration is done on-line at Contact our Extension Office for more details on how you can be part of this fantastic youth organization! Members receive a newsletter six times per year outlining upcoming events and opportunities.

A 4-H orientation meeting for those wanting to know more about Hopkins County 4-H will take place on Thursday, September 4, 6:00 p.m. at the Extension Office, 1200-B W. Houston, Sulphur Springs. We will talk about all the opportunities specific to Hopkins County, go over the on-line enrollment process, and have some fun! A couple of our Senior 4-H members will be on hand to talk about their activities and answer questions you might have. Call 903-885-3443 for more information.

Fall Festival Creative Arts Contest

Watch for information on the 2014 Creative Arts Contest! Guidelines and entry categories are now available at the Extension Office. All ages are encouraged to enter something! Entry categories are: Clothing, Food Preservation, Bake Show, Decorated Cakes, Handiwork, Holiday/Seasonal Corner, Creative Crafts, Art, Photography, Quilts, Dolls, Horticulture, and Woodworking. We have a separate division for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities.

Information on where to enter items will be listed in my column next week, so stay tuned!

Closing Thought

Humor is the secret to getting through life and getting the most out of it – Jerry Lewis

Johanna Hicks

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Family & Consumer Sciences

1200-B W. Houston

P.O.Box 518

Sulphur springs, TX 75483

903-885-3443 – phone

903-439-4909 – Fax

Author: KSST Webmaster

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