Coach Owens Summarizes 1st Week of Practice

Wildcats Football Coach Greg Owens says after one week of practice his team is nowhere near where they need to be and they know it. He says coaches are throwing a lot at players and the athletes’ retention levels are very good. Still Coach Owens says the first day of pads Friday featured sloppy mechanics and technique. The team has one more week of practice before their first scrimmage action next Friday in Liberty-Eylau.

A first scrimmage is always welcomed by players tired of practice and of hitting their teammates every day. The Wildcats’ football team will wrap up their second week of practice this season with a scrimmage at Liberty-Eylau Friday evening. Wildcats Football Coach Greg Owens said the JV team would scrimmage first at around 5 p.m. with the varsity to follow at around 6:30 p.m.

By Don Julian, KSST News and Sports Director

For a complete look at the first week in pictures, click here!

By Doug Haston, KSST Videographer
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Author: KSST Webmaster

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