Brashear News 08/06/14

Summer is here. Nice and hot predicted for the next 5 days. Take precautions and do not get too overheated.

I would like to remind you about the Clothing Drive at the FUMC Sulphur Springs on August 23rd. This is where we collect unwanted clothes from our community and sell them for 25 cents. This is a much needed ministry for school is about to start and everyone wants to start out with their best food forward. So clean out those closets, chest of drawers, then bring the clothes to FUMC on August 11th.

September 4th, Tom and I will be starting up our Divorce Care. This is a 13 week session where we share and with the Bible find ways to get through a divorce. Each week is a stand-alone session in case you have to miss out. Come see what this is all about. Our contact numbers are Tom: 903.413.1673 or Debbie at: 903.243.1235.

Brashear Free Library has been getting some use this summer and we are thrilled. We have been given several Bibles. Feel free to take one, or share one with someone. The books are to be shared, read, and loved. Thanks.

Grasshoppers are still striving. This past weekend we had the awesome experience of watching a plane spray for grasshoppers or fertilizer a neighboring pasture. Just like having your house buzzed. Awesome watching the pilot maneuver in such close quarters.

A friend of mine in Dike told me yesterday that the wild hogs are back in full force on her property. Her front yard looks like it had been plowed up. Be on the lookout.

Nothing much new but watch for the school zones. They will be flashing to prepare you for the new school year real soon. Take care and remember to call me at 903.612.8806; email me at [email protected]; or just stop by for a visit on CR1119 the house with the bulldozer. Thanks.


Author: KSST Webmaster

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