Miller Grove by Brandon Darrow 08/19/2014
This week’s news is a little more eventful that the last few weeks. Weather has turned hot on us but that is expected for August! We have had a very mild summer, which I am very thankful for.
Friday I took off of work early to go see my cousin Tiffney Darrow graduate from nursing school. Our cousin, Nathan Petty, also went with me. The ceremony was held in the Whatley Center at Northeast Texas Community College just outside of Mt. Pleasant. The pinning ceremony started at 3:00 pm and ended around 3:45. Tiffney was Salutatorian of her class and received her pin as being a licensed vocational nurse. Her mother, step-father, and twin sister were on hand to participate in the exercises. Tiffney also had several other family members present to help her celebrate this large accomplishment in her life. She will now start work at Rock Creek Nursing Home in Sulphur Springs until she leaves to join her husband, Hunter, in Hawaii.
Saturday night Miller Grove Volunteer Fire Department participated in the Hot August Nights event at the Hopkins County Civic Center fair grounds. Charles Bennett told me that Cumby won the prize this year but they received many compliments on their BBQ. Brian Thomas, Mark Pence, Daygan Squires, and Jeremy Wood were all on hand to help represent MGVFD.
Phillip Jennings of the Bonanza community will be retiring this week, after nearly 26 years of service with Farmers Electric. Phillip was a 1967 graduate of Miller Grove High School. I saw him in the hall at work the other day and I asked him what he was going to do with himself after he retired. He said he would stay pretty busy around his place, not to mention that he has 10 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. So yes, I’m sure Phillip will wonder how he even had time to work after he has been retired for a few months. Congratulations on retirement Phillip!
I don’t know if any of you heard about the accident at the coal mine last week, which is located near Thermo, in the eastern portion of Hopkins County, but please pray for the families of the men who were injured on the job. Many of them are still in Parkland Hospital. I have a cousin that was in the fire which ignited in a silo on the plant and I have kept up with things through Facebook messages, etc. and I know it has been a long, hard struggle for the men and their families.
Happy Birthday this week to Jarred Jennings on Aug. 19, Kathy Wren on Aug. 20, Leanne Bryant on Aug. 22, and Ruby (Ferguson) Long on Aug. 23. A very special belated birthday wish goes out to Geneva (Garmon) Stripling. On Saturday, Aug. 16, Geneva celebrated her 99th birthday!
Happy 22nd Anniversary to Monty and Vanessa (Boss) Tipps on Aug. 22. I feel sorry for Vanessa because I know she has tried to raise Monty for 22 years now and still hasn’t succeeded (just kidding Monty). Happy 45th Anniversary to Fred Moseley, Jr. and Ann (Kernes) Moseley on Aug. 23.
As you travel the highways and byways don’t forget that all roads lead back home and back to Miller Grove. Please send me any newsworthy information. My email address is [email protected].